
Posts Tagged ‘LEGAL’

PENGAKUAN para Juragan Motor, Nakoda Kapal, Mandor, Masyarakat jadi TUMBAL ILLEGAL LOGGING, tentang masalah ILLEGAL LOGGING dan KORUPSI di Kalbar Indonesia.

Confessions among local boat drivers, ship captains, former foremen in the field, and the poor locals who bear the blames of Illegal logging in the region of Ketapang, west borneo, Indonesia.


Pemilik kayu sudah di periksa Polisi tapi tidak ditahan polisi, kayu Belian yang diangkut adalah bahan Jembatan Proyek Pemerintah yang sudah dikerjakan, tinggal dipasang saja, Surat Proyek dan Surat keterangan Kepala Desa juga ada, penjual kayu juga ada, tapi tidak ditahan, disaat penangkapan Pemilik kayu ada diatas Motor air bersama Juragan Motor saya, Mengapa saya selaku  Pemilik Motor Air bisa dijadikan tersangka Illegal Logging ?

During the raid, the timber owner had been questioned by the police but no detention was made. The load of timber Belian was the material needed for a Government’s bridge project, which had been prepared and ready to be installed. Letters of authorisation issued on the project as well as from the administrative village head were also presented, at the scene, the timber seller was there too but didn’t get caught, and the timber owner was on the boat with my boat driver. Why should I as a boat owner become an illegal logging suspect?

Pada saat Penangkapan ada 14 buah Motor Air yang ditangkap, Mengapa cuma 1 Motor air saja jadi masalah atau Ditumbalkan? Kemana kayu dan ke 13 Motor Air lainnya? Apa karena pemilik kayunya adalah cukong-cukong besar yang selama ini tidak pernah tersentuh Hukum? Dimana letak Keadilan?

At the time of the raid, a total of 14 boats were seized. Why does only one boat get into trouble or bear the blame? Where have the rest of timbers and 13 boats gone? Is it because the timber owners are powerful timber barons who have never ever been touched by law? Where is the justice?

(The boat owner – Mr Sapdilah // Pemilik Motor Air – Bpk Sapdilah)

(PART 1) : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vv-_RX67p5A

(PART 2) : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5A0y0nE4DT0

(PART 3) : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iOE_bLoj2o4

(PART 4) : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tuPpKQ26c_k

(PART 5) : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GMQsXvHu9pY

(The boat driver – Mr Maman // Juragan Motor – Bpk Maman)

(1) : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_f6z-qFZChc

(2) : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xhgE8WRONMg

(3) : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gFwKliQJFmA

(The boat driver – Mr Arif // Juragan Motor – Bpk Arif)


(1) : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U009qzZe4rE

(2) : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S9WxCESATJ8

(3) : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RwGr6RgtPvw

(4) : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tCjQAIY4t6I

(5) : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oDe02U8DL4Q

(6) : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pQKtH1HcOu8

(7) : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m2fQLc_c_YU

(8) : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dC772ffiY0w

(9) : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LLqLXhsHxsY

(The boat driver – Mr Made // Juragan Motor – Bpk Made)


(The ship captain – Mr Saman // Nakoda Kapal – Bpk Saman)


(The ship captain – Mr Dera // Nakoda Kapal – Bpk Dera)


(The ship captain – Mr Sumorio // Nakoda Kapal – Bpk Sumorio)


(The ship captain – Mr Aladin // Nahkoda Kapal – Bpk Aladin)

(1) : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qa1-nFrJq7c

(2) : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J2ecy3j1u8I

The Ex foreman of Illegal Logging in Gunung Palung National Park

PENGAKUAN EX Mandor IL di Taman Nasional Gunung Palung

(Ex foreman – Mr Umar // EX Mandor – Bpk Umar)

(1) : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eviW4vGy8KQ

(2) : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yVDgdtbufiI

(3) : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dZws4Jw-6Hk


(Ex foreman – Mr Dolah // EX Mandor – Bpk Dolah)

(1) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jLUY-aD7yTk

(2) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=70AddVNaXx0

(3) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mT-2Ef5mfWA

(4) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lG3ZfpSVBWw

A confession of Ex foreman of Illegal Logging in the region of Matan

ENGAKUAN EX Mandor IL di Daerah Matan

(Ex foreman – Mr Dolah // EX Mandor – Bpk Dolah)

(1) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8HiVmD8ynfw

(2) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J6bLBUz2RmQ

(3) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uppuG3Kkhno



(A story from an ex foreman – Mr Dolah // Pengakuan Ex Mandor – Bpk Dolah)

(1) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yVcD5YTjc38

(2) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ONE4a1nHBkk

(3) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dfhRFXDGIKY




Government attention is an urgent need


Kapasitas  LP Kelas II B Ketapang   150 Orang. Pada saat ini Penghuni LP Kelas II B Ketapang berjumlah 278 Orang.

The prison of Ketapang is facilitated to accommodate 150 inmates. Currently, the 150-capacity prison has a population of 278 inmates, nearly twice of the standard capacity.

30% diantaranya adalah Tahanan Kasus Ilegal Logging, dan menempati Rangking Pertama di LP Kelas II B Ketapang.

Of the 278 inmates, 30% have been charged with Illegal Logging which claims the top place of the majority in the prison of Ketapang

95% Tahanan Kasus Ilegal Logging yang ada adalah Para Juragan Motor, Nahkoda Kapal , Pemilik Motor air, Pemikul Kayu dan pemilik kayu Belian dalam skala sangat kecil untuk Bangunan rumah.

Among the illegal logging cases, 95% of them are local boat drivers, ship captains, boat owners, and timber owners who only hold a handful amount of timbers for building their own homes.

Mereka rata-rata berpendidikan sangat rendah dan awam dalam masalah Hukum dengan latar belakang kehidupan yang sangat MISKIN,

In general, they are people who receive very little education, have very limited knowledge about laws, and struggle to survive in poverty.

Dalam menjalani proses Hukum tidak didampingi Pengacara, mereka secara umum mendapatkan Tuntutan dari  JPU antara 3 s/d 6 tahun Pidana Penjara dan mereka tidak dapat melakukan pembelaan di depan Persidangan Pengadilan dikarenakan ketiadaan Penasehat Hukum dan rasa Ketakutan yang sangat tinggi.

During the trials, they appear in courts without legal representations, generally, they have been sought sentences ranging from 3 to 6 years in jail by the prosecutors, they don’t even have a chance to defend themselves against the accusations before the judges under the circumstances with no access to lawyers and in a sense of huge insecurity.

Sebagian dari Mereka sudah ada yang di Vonis oleh Pengadilan Negeri Ketapang dan  Pengadilan Tingggi di Pontianak ditingkat Banding dengan Pidana antara 18 Bulan s/d 36 Bulan Penjara, dan JPU melakukan Banding / Kasasi.

Some of them have been convicted by the District Court in Ketapang and the High Court in Pontianak with imprisonment sentences ranging from 18 to 36 months, but the prosecutors are still unsatisfied and launch appeals against the judge decisions.

Dengan melihat Kondisi latar belakang yang miskin dan sudah berdampak pada runtuhnya Kehidupan Keluarga .

Considering their vulnerability and long suffering in poverty, they are now facing a total financial breakdown and leaving their families in misery.

Atas Dasar Kemanusiaan, sangat diharapkan adanya  perhatian dari :

With a sense of human compassion, an urgent attention is much needed from :

1. Bapak Presiden SBY, (Mr President SBY)

2. Bapak Kapolri, (The National Police chief)

3. Bapak Ketua Mahkamah Agung, (The Supreme Court Chief)

4. Bapak Kepala Kejaksaan Agung, (The Head of Attorney General)

5. Segenap Anggota DPR RI khususnya Komisi III, (Members of Parliament, specially the division of commission III)

6. Jajaran Media Cetak & Electronic, (All the electronic and print media)

Kiranya berkenan meluangkan waktu , datang  melihat dan mewawancarai mereka secara langsung, sehingga bisa mengetahui Kondisi mereka secara utuh , dan layak tidaknya mereka di Katagorikan sebagai Para Pelaku Ilegal Logging ???

Please spare sometime, come and visit these people, talk to them face to face, to get a whole picture of their stories, and evaluate whether it’s fair for these people to be categorized as Illegal Loggers ???

Secara umum saya menganggap Mereka ini adalah Tumbal Ilegal Logging, mereka bukan  Pelaku Ilegal Logging , Sebagian besar Pelaku Ilegal Logging Sejati masih Bebas dan Belum tertangkap.

As far as I concern, they are victims of illegal logging, they are not the real illegal loggers, the biggest proportion of illegal loggers are still at liberty and escape legal punishments.

Mereka ini adalah Korban , Korban Pembiaran Aparat dan Korban dari Para Pelaku Ilegal Logging Sejati yang tidak bertanggung jawab.

They are the real victims, who receive little care from government officials but bear the responsibility for the real illegal loggers.

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Monday, September 15, 2008 10:43 AM

Indonesia‘s judicial system rated the worst in Asia: Survey

Lilian Budianto ,  The Jakarta Post ,  Jakarta   |  Mon, 09/15/2008 10:08 AM  |  Headlines

Indonesia‘s judiciary earned poor marks from expatriate business executives for having the worst system in Asia, in a survey conducted by a Hong Kong consulting firm.

Regional financial hubs Hong Kong and Singapore topped the list for having the best judicial systems on the continent.

The survey, conducted by the Political and Economic Risk Consultancy (PERC), ranked Indonesia last against the other 12 Asian countries.

The judiciary “is one of Indonesia’s weakest and most controversial institutions, and many consider the poor enforcement of laws to be the country’s number one problem,” PERC said, as quoted by AFP.

The agency did not provide specific examples.

Indonesia‘s poor ranking stems from the executives’ strong dissatisfaction with legal proceedings, which are dogged by systemic corruption, senior lawyer and human rights advocate Todung Mulya Lubis told The Jakarta Post on Sunday.

“It is not surprising Indonesia ranked at the bottom,” he said.

“Indonesia has yet to give businesspeople the legal certainty crucial in the investment world.”

Todung gave the example of the recent Supreme Court ruling against Singapore-based investment firm Temasek Holdings, which was found guilty of breaching anti-monopoly laws.

Analysts have said Temasek was subjected to disfavorable divestment for “confusing and illogical reasons” made under the 1999 Competition Law. Temasek has continued to insist on its innocence.

The PERC survey confirms findings in several previous surveys. A recent report by the World Bank and its private arm, the International Financial Cooperation, showed Indonesia ranked 129th out of the 181 countries surveyed in terms of doing business.

In December 2007, a Transparency International Indonesia study ranked the judiciary as the most corrupt institution after the police.

A survey conducted by the Corruption Eradication Commission this year put the Attorney General’s Office as the least credible for fighting corruption, followed by the courts and the police.

Hong Kong‘s judicial system topped the vote with a score of 1.45 on a scale where zero represents the best performance and 10 the worst.

Regional rival Singapore was in second place with a score of 1.92, followed by Japan (3.50), South Korea (4.62), Taiwan (4.93) and the Philippines (6.10).

Malaysia was in seventh place with a score of 6.47, followed by India (6.50), Thailand (7.00) and China (7.25). Indonesia’s lowest score of 8.26 came after Vietnam’s 8.10.

Survey respondents were 1,537 corporate executives working in Asia. They were asked to rate the judicial systems in the countries where they reside, using such variables as the protection of intellectual property, corruption, transparency, enforcement of laws, freedom from political interference and the experience and educational standards of lawyers and judges.

PERC said the less favorable perceptions of China’s and Vietnam’s judicial systems were rooted in political interference, adding the Communist Party “is above the law in both countries”.

Although India and the Philippines are democracies, expatriates did not look favorably on their judicial systems because of corruption, PERC added

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